Explore 0DE5


Keep learning forever.

The past ten years of software engineering education have created a lot of people who can get the job done, but struggle to dive deeper into computing. These people find themselves trapped, unable to progress in their career even as AI starts to consume their everyday work.

Boredom and apathy set in — wasn’t this world supposed to be full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved? Perhaps the good times are truly over.

They are not. Tech is more exciting than ever. You’re just locked out.

I made to help you dig deeper. To help you grok the fundamentals, build a flexible set of skills, and rediscover your love for the field.

We need more great hackers in the world, and I want you to be one of them.

is a growing encyclopedia for the apprentice hacker.

It’s a course — but unlike a classic Udemy course or textbook, this course doesn’t have an end point. It is designed to keep enriching you forever, always building deep learning in return for the time you invest.

With that investment, my aim for you is to feel confident amongst the best minds of your field. You will understand their work, be able to have a serious conversations with them, and make your own contributions.

Sound ambitious? It is! But if it excites you — I recommend you give it a try.

Dive in to the explore page and pick something that interests you.

If you love it, sign up for a membership at $€£10/mo so I can keep building.

is a project by Learning Technology Ltd.

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